Propaganda Cartoon

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Was it right for the Japanese to start using germ warfare towards China?

During the Second World War, the Japanese began using a new form of fighting towards the Chinese. This new form of fighting is known as Biological Warfare or Germ Warfare. According to Webster’s Dictionary, Germ Warfare is “the use of harmful microorganisms as weapons in war”. Instead of weapons that kill instantly such as a bullet or a bomb, germ warfare is brutal. Germs travel through the air and can be inhaled. They can be transported by a fleabite or transmitted by sexual contact. Once infected the victim may suffer for a long period of time before dying. And in the meantime infect others with his same disease. Germ warfare was so awful that there was an international law banning its use for war purposes. The Japanese officials saw this as an opportunity to gain power over other countries.
Japanese scientists would first experiment on Chinese POWs (prisoners of war) by injecting them with inoculations of disease, disguised as vaccines to study the effects on them. The POWs were infected with syphilis, gonorrhea, fleas and they even brought back the black plague. The harmful effects of these test cases proved to be a powerful weapon for the Japanese. Once infected the POWs were soon released then diseases reached the outside world and spread like wildfire, killing millions of people.
Soon the Japanese realized the powerful effects of these deadly germs. They used low flying planes to drop tons of plague-infested fleas (fleas carrying the black plague). These fleas would spread throughout the land by getting into the Chinese’s clothes, their food supply, and their homes and on their animals. The Black Plague killed thousands of innocent Chinese civilians during World War II.
Germ warfare is an uncontrollable form of weaponry. Civilians should not be hurt or killed during any form of war; only soldiers who are willing to fight for their county should have their lives at risk. With biological warfare it is difficult to only attack your enemy. So many outside people fall prey to the effects of germ warfare. For example, the scientists who concoct the infectious diseases are susceptible to obtaining these horrid germs as well. In addition, civilians in the wrong place at the wrong time can also fall victim to the toxic germs. Therefore this type of battle is inhumane.
Germ warfare was so horrid, that it was nationally banned and considered a war crime. The Japanese saw this as an opportunity and took advantage of its strength. People might think that using biological warfare is a brilliant idea; but they do not realize how out of hand this form of fighting can get. The only people’s lives that should be taken are the lives of the soldiers who are willing to fight. Innocent civilians should not be endangered of loosing their lives due to the spreading infectious diseases. Germ warfare is an inhumane weapon of war and should never be used again. (501)


  1. Since millions of people were killed by the spread of germ warfare, why were other countries not willing to take a stronger position to stop the Japanese from using these chemicals sooner?

  2. Did you know that the United States has used germ warfare before? I think that the Japanese saw it as an opportunity to gain the upperhand. The U.S. used the atomic bomb, and the Japanese used Germ Warfare.

  3. I understand that the first time the Japanese used Germ Warfare the Chinese were just shocked. But as they continually used it wouldn't the chinese at least try to fight back with their remaining soldiers?

  4. I agree with Noelle why didn't anybody try to get the message across that it was already banned? Do you think that maybe the Japanese did not know the proper rules of war? This really shows what can happen when your a citizen in a country.

  5. I understand that the Japanese and Chinese were not friendly towards eachother but the Japanese had many other enemies. Why didnt the Japanese use the germ warfare on their other enemies?

  6. The Japanese used anything they could as a weapon even rape, and germ warfare is another horrible "weapon". Supposedly we were forced to drop the atomic bombs, because the Japanese were proving an almost unstoppable force. Since germ warfare is so bad and banned, what was Agent Orange and how was it used in Vietnam?

  7. Since China was at war, didn't the civilians some what back up their soldiers? Didn't the population push for more victories for their country? If so, they are somewhat a part of the war and could at any time fall victim to the hardships of war. If the Japanese were looking to defeat China, wouldn't they go straight to the majority of the population, the civilians?

  8. I think that germ warfare is incredibly inhumaine and not the right way to fight a war. This way of fighting seems even worse than shooting or bombing because it infected other people who were not even fighting. To me it seems like a form of genocide.

  9. I think that racism played a huge part in why the Japanese only used germ warfare against the Chinese. The Japanese and Chinese people had always disagreed and this was a way for Japan to silence the Chinese. Although it is completely inhumane and disgusting, it could be seen as a way to win by the Japanese.

  10. Germ warfare is wrong and illegal so it is not right in any means and when America used the A-bomb it was not banned nor was it extremely painful for long periods of time it was quick and germs were long and painful and there is nothing you can do about it.
