Propaganda Cartoon

Friday, April 30, 2010

Nuclear Arms Race

Was the World’s reaction to the nuclear arms race between Russia and the United States positive or negative?

The nuclear arms race consisted of the United States, the Soviet Union, and their allies. The nuclear arms race was a competition for world domination. (This is one of the fights that the United States and the Soviet Union had gotten into. The other fight was the space race.) Who ever obtained the most nuclear weapons was considered the most powerful. They would try to manufacture as many nuclear warheads as possible. Soon they had enough nukes to destroy the world by doing nothing more than pushing a button. The tension was getting stronger and stronger, and very dangerous. The Soviet Union and the United States were far more advanced with technology then the rest of the world; this is why the race was primarily between them. Other countries also produced nuclear stockpiles, however none compared to that of the two superpowers.

During this nuclear arms race, smaller and less powerful countries could not compete as well as the major superpowers, so they were forced to pick a side. Countries felt two different opinions; they either didn’t mind that they were not involved, or they were aggravated that they could not compete with the rest of the world.

The smaller and less powerful countries that did not want to compete for many reasons. One of the reasons why was because nuclear weapons are very expensive to manufacture. They needed to save their money for other things such as their military. The countries also only had to worry about their allies, not just themselves. There were also countries that were disappointed that could not compete, because they wanted to feel like they were part of the world. They want to feel dominate and want their county to be the greatest.

The Worlds reaction to the nuclear arms race was both positive and negative. The arms race was the race that definitely impacted the most people. Even though the government ultimately made the decision of whether to participate in the arms race or which countries to ally themselves with, the people had no so say on what they wanted. The citizens of the country were scared of the decisions that their government could make at any moment. For example, say they were allied with Russia, and the United States decided to detonate their nuclear weapons against them. Who is to say that Russia would come to their aid? A positive side to having nuclear warheads is the fact that people feel protected from the enemy countries.

It is possible that the power and fear of these weapons made the nuclear war stop. Since the nuclear arms race, the United Nations has attempted to have the nuclear weapons banned from the world. This conflict has yet to be resolved. Still today, there is a threat of countries secretly developing nuclear weapons. This crisis has been continuing for decades and unfortunately the world may never come to a peaceful solution. 504


  1. I agree with you, because there is no point to having the threat of nuclear weapons in the world. People will probably never use nuclear weapons because they know it will just result in themselves getting nuked.

  2. I do agree with haveing nuclear weapons banned, becuase once the bomb is dropped it does not just affect the people targeted but everyone in the world. Nuclear bombs could destroy the world if they are not banned.

  3. Nuclear bombs need to be banned everywhere for good and destroyed so no one can use them. There is simply no point in killing so many innocent people that would get killed if someone were to set off a nuclear bomb. It wouldn't just kill the group of soldiers proclaimed to kill, many would suffer for no reason.

  4. Nuclear bombs need to be destoryed. I agree with you and everyone else. It can destory a whole city and kill so many lives that have done nothing. If we got rid of nuclear bombs than we would not have to worry about getting it.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The production of atomic bombs is pretty scary. We can probably blow up the world about ten times now with just our atomic bombs here in America.

  7. I do agree with everyone that nuclear bombs should be destroyed, but there should be some sort of a protection for each country, even though they are dangerous and may result in a nuclear catasrophy.

  8. Creating Nuclear weapons seems so stupid now a days. Why do countries even bother? Atom bombs will never be used due to the fear of creating a nuclear war. Plus, it is an enormous amount of money to devolope them. If we must spend money on nuclear sciences, it should be for nuclear energy, something that will actually be used! It does not make any sense to put so much effort into something that will only serve as a looming threat, never to be used in action.
