Propaganda Cartoon

Friday, May 28, 2010

Modern Topic

Is China still communist or has it turned into a totalitarian capitalist country?

Back when Mao Zedong was ruler of China, he turned it into a communist country. He thought that it would be best if everybody owned everything, and that no one could obtain private ownership of anything. But as years went on, things started to change in China. China started opening up to more Capitalist ideas once Mao Zedong passed away.

China is no longer the country that it used to be. Chinese people can now own businesses to make money for them selves and not just for the government. Before, Peasants could not get a good education, but now they can receive the proper schooling that they need. People can watch their own movies and go to the places that they want to go. They can watch TV and access the Internet whenever they want. Citizens are even able to criticize the government! Steps like these keep leading towards China drifting farther and farther from their original communist ways. What would Mao do if he found out that this was going on in his country?

It is hard to find reasons that point to China still being a communist country. China’s government still calls itself communist, but where are all of the communist ideas in China during modern time? There are no basic communist ideas of sharing in the Chinese society now. Chinese leaders have invested in capitalism because they realize how it is more productive and profitable in the long run. Also it is proven to bring people’s standard of living up and has more opportunities for the citizens. China realizes that their old form of government does not work. They know that communism and socialism has either failed or is failing in every example in history. It’s like the Ponzi scheme. “As long as more is going in at the bottom, it works just fine. But when the people at the bottom can no longer carry the people at the top, it fails.” Historically, China is a communist country, but they don’t want to give up the fact that they are turning capitalist because they worked too hard to gain the communist title.